Thursday, November 11, 2010

You are NOT going to believe this

I mailed the dossier for translation last Wednesday.  It got there on Friday, I checked.

I received an email late last night that the translation was done and the dossier was hopefully going to be submitted today.  I was shocked!  I woke up 3 times last night and rechecked my email.  I was afraid I had dreamed it and that email wasn't real.

I mean I had prayed that it would happen that way because the department of adoptions in Alice's country only accepts dossiers on Thursdays.  I had asked the Lord that we get submitted this week.  I knew what I had been told - that it usually takes a couple of weeks for the translation.  So, even though I had prayed these things, I was prepared for submission to not happen until next week.

I got an email this morning telling me that our family's dossier has been submitted TODAY!!  (I know this is going to be a shocker) I cried.  My mother-in-law, 2 sisters-in-law, my niece and one of my daughters who were with me when I read the email, came running to see what was wrong.  Nothing was wrong.  It was right!

The Lord has preformed miracles with this adoption.  Just when I think I know what's going on, when I think I can wrap my brain around him...He gets SO much bigger.  Who am I that he would take notice of me?  Who is Alice that he would move mountains of red tape and stretch out time for her? 

I hadn't even let my brain go beyond the dossier and getting it submitted.  My sister-in-law asked if I had given much thought to the other children and where they'll be going while we're traveling.  No, I hadn't let myself think that far.  I had just finished the dossier last week!  I feel like there's so much to be done and to get ready.

So, what's next?  We wait for our SDA appointment.  Getting that could take anywhere from 2-6 weeks.  And to be very honest, I have no idea what to expect.  Part of me feels like we should expect 6 weeks and plan for 2.  The way the Lord has been pulling out the stops on this...I'm speechless.  I know that he has a timing going on here that is so much bigger than what we can see.  So, we wait...again.  At that appointment we will formally accept the referral for Alice.  We will then see her full medical appointment and be able to visit her.  Get to meet her.  Get to kiss her.  Oh, what a day!

The the next big question.  How close are we to the $24,000 required to get her?  If everyone gives as they say they are going to (I'm not doubting anyone, I just am giving that qualifier) then we are very, very close.  That's another miracle!! 

I know without a doubt that God will provide that last bit.  Do I know how.  Nope.  But, how can I waver in my faith of his provision now with all that he has done?  I've said it once, I'll say it again.  Want to build your faith?  Adopt.


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