Friday, September 3, 2010

One Step Forward, One Step to the Side

It's like I'm in some weird country line dance...I was never very good at those.  I get a piece of paperwork done and get so excited that we are that much closer.  Then I realize it's not quite right and have to redo it.  Meaning, one step forward, then another to the side.  I'm still going, but I have terrible rhythm.  Trust me. 

God has a timing for this that I know nothing about.  We are still moving and really moving at a fast pace.  I am so thankful for everything He has done so far.  Praise His name!  He knows Alice...I know her picture.  He knows her situation...I know what I've been told.  He knows when she lays down and when she gets up...I know the time on a clock.  When I remember these truths, how can I fuss?  I can only do the work set in front of me.  He'll take care of all of it.  He will take care that the paperwork gets into the hands of the people He wants. 

Breathe.  Settle.  Rest in the One who put us on this path.

1 comment:

  1. You have amazing strength Emily! We've been praying for you guys. :)


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